Lupine Publishers-Gynecology Open access journal
Diet and health are both related directly to the reproductive
functions of a female in that nutrient intake effects exactly
what hormones are produced and at what amounts. According
literature women of Western societies produce more progesterone
and estradiol from their ovaries leading to high rates of breast
cancer in the West [1]. Another facet to the Western diet is foods
that are rich in sugar thus contributing to the blood sugar level
and ultimately affecting resistance to insulin. This resistance to
insulin, which is called diabetes, may lead to many problems of the
reproductive function of women. Obesity, insulin resistance, and
hyperinsulinemia are all common of women in the West and lead to
oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, and chronic anovulation [2]. Regions
pay big role into nutrition in the sense that different areas have
abundance of different types of foods, a bulk of North America simply
gets absorbed into the “western” diet, meaning increased intake
of unhealthy food due to increased availability of fast food. Since
these female populations are adopting nutritious lifestyles leading
to obesity, insulin resistance, and hyperinsulinemia, these newly
developing populations have women who are unable to reproduce
as well, thus making this “developing society” not “develop.”
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