Correlation between Ultrasound Findings of Ectopic Pregnancy And Operative Findings in Sudanese Women:(IGWHC)-Lupine Publishers
Correlation between Ultrasound Findings of Ectopic Pregnancy And Operative Findings in Sudanese Women by Akram Elkhier Hassan in IGWHC in Lupine Publishers
Designs and objectives This study is a prospective,
descriptive, hospital-based study, done in Omdurman Maternity Hospital
Omdurman New Hospital, to assess correlation between ultrasound findings
of ectopic pregnancy and operative findings in Sudanese women.
Methods: The study was conducted on patients attended to
gynecological Casualty with vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain in early
pregnancy diagnosed as Ectopic pregnancy, ultrasound done to all the
patients, with direct interview using predesigned questionnaire, and all
of these is after consent obtained, ultrasonic findings was correlated
to the intraoperative findings, sensitivity of the ultrasound was
using SPSS.
Results: out of 110 women, the most common age was 20-30 years
(48.2%), multiparous were predominated by (53.6%). The commonest
risk factors included; history of IUCD usage found in (52.7%), history
of PID in (29.1%), history of abdomino-pelvic surgery in (24.5%), and
history of ectopic pregnancy in (6.4%). On examination, there were
(71.8%) women were stable, abdominal tenderness found in (54.5%),
pallor in (57.3%), and (10%) of women were shocked. Sensitivity of U/S
in diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy was 97.3%.
Conclusion: It was concluded that, U/S is reliable tool for diagnosing ectopic pregnancy.
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