Lupine Publishers | Determinants of Perceived Susceptibility to Cervical Cancer and the Uptake of Screening Services Among Women of Reproductive Age Attending UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria
Lupine Publishers | Interventions in Gynecology and Women's Healthcare Abstract Background: The burden of cervical cancer and the perception of its susceptibility remains alarming. This study evaluates perceived susceptibility and utilization of Cervical Cancer Screening (CCS) services among women of reproductive age attending the Gynecology Clinic at University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan, Nigeria. Methods: The study adopted a quasi-experimental research design, and a semi-structured questionnaire was used to obtain data from the respondents. A total number of 228 respondents took part in this study with an age mean of 32.71. The data sourced from this study were subjected to descriptive and inferential statistical analysis methods. Descriptive statistics were used to establish the frequencies and percentages of responses while inferential statistics (regression analysis) was used to test the hypotheses. Results: The findings show that 82.9% ever heard of CCS, 45% re...