
Showing posts from June, 2019

Lupine Publishers: Processing and Analysis of Large-Scale Seismic Sig...

Lupine Publishers: Processing and Analysis of Large-Scale Seismic Sig... : Processing and Analysis of Large-Scale Seismic Signal in Hadoop Platform by Shahrukh Javed in ARME in Lupinepublishers Seismic da...

Lupine publishers publication ethics

Lupine Publishers Publication Ethics Publication Ethics: All the Journals in Lupine Publishers adheres to the highest possible ethical standards, for example, by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). If an ethical problem related to a submitted or published article is referred to the Editorial Board member, then he will evaluate the problem as outlined by appropriate bodies such as the ICMJE and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and take appropriate steps. The following are problems in the ethics of publication that every author should be familiar with. Violations of any of the following ethical principles may incur sanctions described below. Plagiarism All journals published by Lupine Publishers are committed to publishing only original material, i.e., material that has neither been published nor is under review elsewhere. Lupine Publisher’s journals as a participant of plagiarism pro software tool, to detect instances of overlapping and sim...

Lupine Publishers Fashion Technology Textile Engineering: Lupine publishers-Journal of Textile and Fashion D...

Lupine Publishers Fashion Technology Textile Engineering: Lupine publishers-Journal of Textile and Fashion D... : Where are the Real Trend Setters?  by Deepti Pant in Latest Trends in Textile and Fashion Designing - Lupine Publishers Some 88...

Lupine Publishers - Food and Nutrition : Food and nutrition sciences journal - Lupine Publi...

Lupine Publishers - Food and Nutrition : Food and nutrition sciences journal - Lupine Publi... : Reduction of Immune Related Disease with Diet Rich in Antioxidants by Tulika Mishra in Scholarly Journal of Food and Nutrition  - Lupine...

Lupine Publishers Research and Reviews Journal: Medical Care Research and Review- Lupine Publisher...

Lupine Publishers Research and Reviews Journal: Medical Care Research and Review- Lupine Publisher... : Gender difference in learning disabled childrenNeuropsychological review by  Mohamad Qasim Abdullah in  Research and Reviews on Healt...

Lupine Publishers Research and Reviews Journal: Medical Care Research and Review- Lupine Publisher...

Lupine Publishers Research and Reviews Journal: Medical Care Research and Review- Lupine Publisher... : Gender difference in learning disabled childrenNeuropsychological review by  Mohamad Qasim Abdullah in  Research and Reviews on Healt...

Lupine Publishers Surgery Case Studies Journal: Lupine Publishers - Journal of Surgery

Lupine Publishers Surgery Case Studies Journal: Lupine Publishers - Journal of Surgery : Intellectual Corruption at the APA by James F. Welles in  Surgery & Case Studies: Open Access Journal in Lupinepublishers A book...

Lupine Publishers: Journal of veterinary science- Lupine Publishers

Lupine Publishers: Journal of veterinary science- Lupine Publishers : Persistent Organic Pollutants and Heavy Metals and the Importance of Fish as a Bio-Indicator of Environmental Pollution by Nikola P...

Lupine Publishers Journal of Otolaryngology: Lupine Publishers - Journal of Otolaryngology

Lupine Publishers Journal of Otolaryngology: Lupine Publishers - Journal of Otolaryngology : The Reasons Behind the Trending of Facial PlasticSurgery in Saudi Arabia by Almuhaya Reham in SJO - Lupinepublishers Background: No...

Lupine Publishers: Introducing Deep Mind Learning Modeling (ARME) - L...

Lupine Publishers: Introducing Deep Mind Learning Modeling (ARME) - L... : Introducing DeepMind Learning Modeling by Sadique Shaikh in ARME in Lupine Publishers Since 2010 Google & Uber researchers and ...

Lupine Publishers Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine: Lupine Publishers-Open access journal of complemen...

Lupine Publishers Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine: Lupine Publishers-Open access journal of complemen... : Interior Environmental Design, Heal? by Naglaa Sami Abdelaziz in OAJCAM in Lupine Publishers. Alternative medicine, from the fir...

Lupine Publishers: To Evaluate Different Soft Tissue Liners, as Funct...

Lupine Publishers: To Evaluate Different Soft Tissue Liners, as Funct... : To Evaluate Different Soft Tissue Liners, as Functional Impression Materials, by Determining its Effect on Surface Roughness of Dental ...

Lupine Publishers-Opinionstage

  Lupine Publishers     is a world’s leading Online Publishing repository, a   genuine publisher   with quality   medical journals .   Lupine Publishers    peer reviewed publisher is a multidisciplinary, scholarly   Open Access publisher focused on Genetic, Biomedical and Remedial missions in relation with Technical Knowledge as well.  Lupine Publishers     Online   Open Access Publisher , craves to select ground-breaking research based on modernism, aptness, scientific connotation, prospective spectator’s interests, etc.   Lupine Publishers   Online Open Access Publisher   endeavor to provide by far and liberally accessible belvedere to researchers and practitioners in support of their novel and valuable ideas.  Lupine Publishers     Online Open Access Publisher   already have 2000+ Editorial Board members along with 5000+ Published articles with them.   Lupine Publishers...

Lupine Publishers-Gynecology journals

Pethidine Infiltration in Intra Fascial Layer AfterAbdominal Hysterectomy by Raafat TA in IGWHC in Lupine Publishers . Post-operative pain management in cases undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy is considered a major challenge for both gynecologists and anesthesiologists aiming for enhancing patient satisfaction and level of health care service requiring multidisciplinary management and planning regarding the pathway of pain management of pain [1,2]. Despite the fact that epidural form of analgesia is an efficient mode of managing post-operative pain in abdominal surgeries however less invasive forms are considered more practical and applicable for many health care systems [3,4]. Local analgesia infiltration is considered a simple and efficient mode of pain management that has reduced costs in comparison to epidural analgesia. Advancing the pain management protocols could enhance patient post-operative recovery and improve clinical outcomes [5,6]. A widely impleme...